We sell healthy, disease free dragon fruits cuttings both red and white flesh variety at our Farm.
Red & White -
Supply Capacity
Red - 25000 Cuttings
Hand Picked -
Supply Capacity
White - 10000 Cuttings
Packing -
12 inch
Throughout a Year -
Cutting Maturity
One Year
Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruits:
- Prevents formation of cancer using free radicals (Phyto albumins as anti – oxidant)
- Enhance the body Metabolism (Protein)
- Improves Digestion (Fiber)
- Reduce Fat (Fiber)
- Improve memory (Carotene)
- Strengthens bones and teeth development (Calcium)
- Tissue development (Phosphorous)
- Helps to metabolize carbohydrates and produce energy (Vitamin B 1)
- Improves appetite (Vitamin B 2)
- Moisturize and smoothen skin and decrease bad cholesterol level (Vitamin B 3)
- Improve the immune system and promotes healing of cuts and braises (Vitamin)
- Reduces Hypertension (B- Sit Sterol)
- Use for Liver, digestion and endocrine problems (Antimutagenic activity & Hyperglycemic conditions)
- Rich in Magnesium – Helps increase your energy.
- Good Source of Iron
- Rich in Antibacterial and Anti Fungal
Contact Us
Have questions about any of our product or want to know more about Doctorfarms? Contact us! We'd be happy to answer any questions.